Would you ever sign up your kids for etiquette classes?
Heather Buchman started teaching etiquette to cadets at the Air Force Academy in 2007, and sees her instruction as a way to help people become more confident and successful in all aspects of life.
In promoting her classes, Buchman cites studies by Harvard University, Stanford Research Institute and the Carnegie Foundation that indicate as much as 85 percent of your career success is directly connected to your social skills.
Buchman named her company Social Survival Skills and says her instruction gives students just that.
“Giving children the skills they need to be comfortable and confident in their ability to handle life’s social activities early in life just helps them be more confident and successful people forever," Buchman said in a news release.
"Our program is about teaching kids and young adults how to navigate the world they live in now, with teaching methodologies that are fun—not stuffy," said Buchman, the mother of two boys.
“Giving children the skills they need to be comfortable and confident in their ability to handle life’s social activities early in life just helps them be more confident and successful people forever," Buchman said in a news release.
"Our program is about teaching kids and young adults how to navigate the world they live in now, with teaching methodologies that are fun—not stuffy," said Buchman, the mother of two boys.
To learn about Social Survival Skills classes, visit Buchman's website,www.socialsurvivalskills.net, or contact Heather Buchman at 440.4949 or heather@socialsurvivalskills.net.
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